Hi there! Welcome to my filmmaker blog! Here I talk about all my projects in the filmmaking world. Although I specialize in wedding films, I went to school for film and I have been honored to work on many different independent, union film productions, music videos, and commercial productions.
First and foremost, I will be writing here for my brides and grooms who are planning weddings who would love tips for their weddings on great venues, vendors, and how to make their videos unique and something to treasure forever. I'll write about great weddings I've been to and what made them so special, share experiences I have with amazing couples who have inspiring love stories, and give suggestions to keep in mind that will help your videographer make a beautiful wedding video for you. I will also be writing for all my fellow filmmakers who are interested in my experience as a female filmmaker in a male dominated industry. I will be sharing my crazy stories on film sets, talk about new innovative topics in the film world, and sharing basic filmmaking knowledge for those newbies out there.

So who am I? I am a cinematographer, videographer, director, editor, and sometimes actor. I am a coffee enthusiast, a pet lover, and an autumn and winter vibe junkie (if you get what I'm saying by that - we should be friends). I grew up mostly in Bossier City, LA, but I had a foot in El Dorado, AR and I was born in Columbus, GA. My mom is an RN working on her Masters and my stepdad is retired Air Force Master Sgt. My dad passed away unexpectedly a few years ago when I was in college, but I know he would be very proud of me now, and I think about that and him often. I went to the University of New Orleans for Film, and I graduated in 2019. I started being a freelance videographer in 2018, a year before I graduated because I new I wanted to get a head start on the business. I was so enthusiastic about beginning my career that I saved up some money and bought my first camera. I did a lot of research before I bought my camera and some other equipment, and then just started filming anything and everything I could. I wanted to learn on my own outside of the classroom because I knew the field I was entering was becoming saturated and I wanted to get a leg up on everyone else. I knew I needed to stand out from the crowd, so I've done everything I can since to work hard to get to where I am now and do just that.

I have come a long way in my 25 years, and I am still so young and have so much more to learn. That is always my promise to myself and to my clients and collogues, is that I will never stop trying to improve and grow in my personal and my professional life. I take my professional life very personal because this is my name, my brand, and my work. That means that every client that I have, every project that I am apart of, I put my heart into it. It means that every person I come in contact with through my job, I believe, play an important roll in my life. I believe everything happens for a reason, so if we meet, it is for a reason, and if you're reading this article now, maybe you were meant to for some reason. Maybe that reason is because you're looking for a wedding videographer... if that's the case, you have come to the right place, if not, I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
I would like to end with a sort of catch phrase with every blog. I want it to be something positive and uplifting. Something like... Thank you for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day full of light, love, passion, and purpose! Until next time my friends.